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“Your words are a life-saving kit” says Network Rail and Samaritans
- Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign, in partnership with Network Rail and British Transport Police, launches as over half of UK adults (67%) would appreciate someone checking on them, by offering words of support, if they were struggling to cope
- London Bridge station hosts ‘The Power of Words Exhibition’– celebrating people who have saved lives by using small talk
- New campaign film reminds the public that when it comes to saving a life, you already have a life-saving kit available to you – your words

"Your words are a life-saving kit" say Southern, Thameslink and Network Rail at launch of Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign
- Rail staff join Samaritans volunteers at stations across Sussex and Surrey
- Two in five of the UK (44%) say they sometimes find themselves struggling to cope.
- 67% of the UK we would appreciate someone checking on them, offering words of support, if they were struggling to cope.
- 40% of people admit to having avoided someone who didn't look OK because they were afraid of having to make small talk with them.

Old Dalkeith Road to close for bridge upgrade
Network Rail is refurbishing the railway bridge over Old Dalkeith Road – at Cameron Toll roundabout – with the road beneath closed from today (Tuesday March 4) until March 14.

“Your words are a life-saving kit” says Network Rail and Samaritans
- Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign, in partnership with Network Rail and British Transport Police, launches as over half of adults in the west (67%) would appreciate someone checking on them, by offering words of support, if they were struggling to cope
- New campaign film reminds the public that when it comes to saving a life, you already have a life-saving kit available to you – your words

“Your words are a lifesaving kit” say East Midlands rail partners and Samaritans
Network Rail’s East Midlands route is joining forces with Samaritans and British Transport Police (BTP) to remind the public that a simple conversation could save a life.

“Your words are a life-saving kit” says Network Rail and Samaritans
- Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign, in partnership with Network Rail and British Transport Police, launches as over half of UK adults (67%) would appreciate someone checking on them, by offering words of support, if they were struggling to cope
- London Bridge station hosts ‘The Power of Words Exhibition’– celebrating people who have saved lives by using small talk
- New campaign film reminds the public that when it comes to saving a life, you already have a life-saving kit available to you – your words

“Your words are a life-saving kit” says Network Rail and Samaritans
- Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign, in partnership with Network Rail and British Transport Police, launches as over half of adults in Wales and Borders (69%) would appreciate someone checking on them, by offering words of support, if they were struggling to cope
- New campaign film reminds the public that when it comes to saving a life, you already have a life-saving kit available to you – your words

“Your words are a life-saving kit” says Network Rail and Samaritans
- Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign launches as over half of UK adults (67%) would appreciate someone checking on them, by offering words of support, if they were struggling to cope
- London Bridge station hosts ‘The Power of Words’ exhibition – celebrating people who have saved lives by using small talk
- New campaign film reminds the public that when it comes to saving a life, you already have a life-saving kit available to you – your words